Other Exhibitors  

Bala Lake Railway

Information about the Bala Lake Railway and its proposed extension from the lakeside into the middle of the town. https://www.balalakerailwaytrust.org.uk/

Bees Hill Models

Stephen Hill will be demonstrating his range of 3D printed, N gauge models of unusual modern prototypes.  Some items will be available for sale and a donation will be made to the MMRS. http://staging.beeshillmodels.co.uk/

Buxton Railex

Mark Henshaw will be demonstrating N gauge track building, and providing information about the Buxton Railex event in July 2025.  https://railexbuxton.co.uk/

Gauge O Guild

The Guild exists to further all forms of railway modelling in 7mm scale or O gauge track.  With 5,500 members, including over 500 outside the UK, the Guild is a focus for O gauge modellers to meet, share and enjoy their mutual interest.  https://www.gaugeoguild.com/

The L&YR Society aims to bring together all those with an interest in the ‘Lanky’ whether it be in historical research or railway modelling.  We have a series of regular publications which we believe are the best of any line society.  We also have a growing range of superb books and large collections of documents, photographs and drawings many of which have been digitised and made available for research purposes.  https://lyrs.org.uk/

N Gauge Society

Our aim is to promote and develop all aspects of N gauge railway modelling.  At a scale of 2mm/ft, N Gauge allows a lot more model railway in a given area, allowing the spacious natural look and feel of real railways. It gives the opportunity to create dramatic landscapes and run full scale length trains in a small space.  https://www.ngaugesociety.org

Railriders Club

The Happiest Club in the Land!  We are a general railway club, that offers members the chance to gain discounted travel on heritage railways.  We also offer further discounts from a wide range of railway themed businesses.  More details can be found at  https://www.railriders.club/

The Telford and Horsehay Steam Trust  aims to return a heritage railway to the world heritage site of Ironbridge to recreate and preserve a part of our industrial and cultural past, allowing future generations to experience and see first-hand how railways and industry combined to create an industrial landscape that moulded and shaped Great Britain.   https://www.telfordsteamrailway.co.uk/

Wagon Loads Demonstration

We are pleased to welcome Brian Davis from the Rainhill MRC who will be demonstrating how to build and make realistic loads for your wagons and much more to add realism to your layout and rolling stock.  Please feel free to ask questions – he loves to talk! 

Some loads will be available for sale and a donation will be made to the MMRS.