Starter Layout

Are you a member looking to learn the basics of railway modelling? Why not come along on a Tuesday evening and join the Starter Layout group? The group meets at 7:30pm in Dean Hall (12:00 if there is a committee meeting in the evening). If you are not a member yet then please visit our Membership page for info on how to join the MMRS.

The intention to build a “starter” layout, to encourage members wishing to develop construction skills, with the assistance of some of our experienced modellers, was announced at the 2023 Exhibition as part of our recruitment drive.

At the initial meeting on Tuesday 9th April 2024 the proposed layout was discussed and the general design of the layout and baseboards was agreed.

It will initially consist of four 600mm by 1000mm baseboards with backscene uprights, These can be formed into a larger layout 1200mm by 2000mm as shown in the associated sketch. Each “quarter” can be worked on independently and may represent completely different scenes; summer/winter, town/countryside, seaside/mountains.

The boards have been ordered and the track (Peco Setrack) will purchased in the next couple of days.

The Starter Layout group will meet on Tuesday evenings (Tuesday afternoon when there is a committee meeting). Anyone is welcome no matter what skill level they have. This is a layout for starters and learners and will provide the opportunity to sharing skills and mutual improvement.

A quick update on the starter layout group (April 2024)

Our first discussion was all about what size and type of boards to use. Bearing in mind this layout will never be completed, will constantly change and is not for exhibiting but for practice and fun. We decided on modular 600mm x 1000mm four boards initially that can be stored in twos back to back. The track to be a simple roundy roundy consisting of two tracks that can be independently wired so allowing both DC and DCC to run.

We have been practicing our soldering skills, with regard to drop wires from the track. Our experts helped with the techniques, different areas where the wires could be attached to the track namely directly underneath, along the side of the track and on the fishplates. We still need more practice; I expect soldering will always be turning up as a topic/practice table top exercise. A couple of us will be on the soldering course to improve further.

The use of a multimeter was also demonstrated on some point motors (kindly donated by an mmrs member), the diode, resistance and voltage settings talked over. Again this was overseen by one of the ‘experts’ who turned out to help.

The alignment of the boards was talked about and again one of the experts brought in his boards for the 100year layout challenge showing the space saving storage we are adopting for our boards and that we might consider the use of magnets both as assisting in alignment, locating scenic items and in their electrical capabilities.

It was nice to see one starter helping to fix another starters loco without any help, then testing it with a 9volt battery and when placed on some old track we could demonstrate the effect of dirty track on running performance.

We are expecting our boards any day now so why not pop in and help us assemble them?

Starter Layout 2

The Group now has an official budget to get it off the ground after the committee approved our estimated submissions.

A few weeks passed whilst we awaited the baseboards but the starters were not idle and, thanks to one of our starters, we were shown a very cheap way of producing scenic landscapes to practice on. It simply involves cardboard, cereal packets, newspaper and PVA Glue to bind it all together. Once the PVA has set, you can add papier-mâché details then you are ready to practice static grassing, bushes, fencing etc, building up an appealing piece of scenery you may wish to use. From the pictures I hope you can see the cardboard main structure. This is followed with a woven lattice of
cereal box strips giving a good surface for the newspaper strips, which can be painted when dry. Surface contours can be added later, again using papier-mâché


Now that the first four boards have arrived, we are about to tackle their assembly and the experts explained how to go about putting them together, so as to do a good job – after all they are going to be well- used and manipulated by the starters now and in the future. Firstly we checked and identified the parts with which our experts were familiar and next came the dry assembly which some of us dived straight into while others correctly read the instructions!

Once we were happy with the dry assembly the parts were glued and pinned together. Clamps and masking tape was used to hold the two units together as the PVA glue dried. Thought had to go into the ends of the boards as the hand of the board has to be considered for the final assembly.


At the end of the session we were well on the way to completing two boards.

More experts are stepping forward to help with future developments – especially in electrical fields. We are going to get help with servo control and our DCC controller may well be assembled by our starters under watchful guidance.


Starter Layout 3

The boards, to all intents and purposes are now put together after a fantastic starter team effort. The Group photographs demonstrate this far better than my words:


We made up the boards and positioned our track so we could determine where to cut through the scenic board. We soon learned the golden rule to measure twice before cutting. On the first opening we drilled a hole in each corner to help the oscillating saw get a purchase, but with steady hands and the boards material we found we could skip this step and using the initial off cut we had a suitable template for the rest of the holes. Whilst all this was going on Phill had time to discuss with the Starter Group about the wall building taking place on the Slattocks layout giving an insight on how he has manufactured and weathered it to look the part.


The Group decided on two of the four boards having a large centre and small outer area for scenic work and a reversal of surface area for the other two boards. The use of the multi tool oscillating saw certainly made light work of the cutting out of the passageways for the track. What’s next on the agenda? The positioning of the track will be laid out on the boards, and we can then see where to position track droppers, run cable for buzz wires, positioning of the controllers and the method of passing the cables from one board to another. So if you want to be part of the group or just want to pop in to learn the techniques, you will be most welcome. Soldering is a big part of this phase so if you wish to improve / learn soldering why not come and see what we are up to.

On Tuesday 6th August 2024 the very first run was made on the newly constructed layout…

The First Run


Starter Layout 4

The Group is certainly moving things forward. The boards were put together and the Peco set track laid on top to enable us to get an idea of how it looks. We quickly decided to wire up a controller and run a locomotive. All worked well and no sooner had we finished, a video was put onto the MMRS website. The monthly meeting for August was a running night and we used the opportunity to put out the starter layout. Many of the starter group brought locos and stock to run.

We are progressing our final layout design and soldering the drop wires to the track ready for fitting in place. Some decisions have been made regarding the DC / DCC mix. It was thought that it should be one or the other on the whole of the layout rather than running the two systems together on separate sections of the layout. It was felt to be prone to mistakes which could be costly and that the safeguarding of electronics would be difficult to apply. The entry points for the dropper wires were marked out and drilled. The slots for the point activators were done on two of the boards. We are looking to fit different point activators on each of the boards so the group can compare four types of activators.

We had Greg Mape pop in to discuss ideas for the scenic sections. He has some great ideas himself over additional smaller scale track being put within the scenic sections. Just to demonstrate the versatility of the various gauges he brought along a couple of his samples including his layout on a beer matt!

We hope you will tell us what you want to see / done within the group that will help you progress.


Why not come along and join us?