Jim Whittaker’s Sketchbook

In mid 2019 Ralph Robertson came across a book laying on a table in Manchester Model Railway Society’s Dean Hall. It was offered to anyone who could make use of it. This is best explained in Ralph’s own words…

“A couple of weeks ago I went into our clubrooms to open up and on the table I spotted this book with a most interesting message on it.”

“Seeing the name Jim Whittaker I had a look. Now I have to say I never met Jim but I know of his work and have been a big admirer of it. What was inside the book blew my socks off, there are 148 pages of drawings of various vehicles from various regions made mainly in the 1960s with details of the vehicle number of the measured vehicle and the location of where it was measured.”

“To give you a flavour of the type of drawing that Jim made here are a couple of photos I have taken from the book.”

“Over the next few weeks I intend to scan all these pages in and see if I can produce some sort of index for the drawings and then upload them to the Manchester Model Railway Society website so that they can be shared by everyone – the quality of this information must be put in the public domain for us all to benefit from. The amount of work that Jim must have put into this is mind boggling and I take my hat off to him.”

The contents of this book are now available on this web site

Please note that the copyright © of this book is now held by the Manchester Model Railway Society and Ralph Robertson. You may use any of it for your personal, non-commercial use. For commercial use please contact the MMRS Secretary.